Doler Preterite Tense Conjugation - Spanish Preterite Tense Verb Conjugation - Conjugate Doler in Spanish Preterite Tense

Doler is a Spanish verb typically used in the 3rd person meaning to hurt. Doler appears on the 100 Most Used Spanish Preterite Tense Verbs Poster as the 4th most used verb typically used in the 3rd person.
For the present tense conjugation, go to Doler Conjugation - Present Tense.
3rd Person Verbs like Gustar
While verbs typically used in the 3rd person, often referred to as verbs like Gustar can also be conjugated like all other verbs, they are most often used in the 3rd person. This may seem counterintuitive to native English speakers and can be confusing for those learning Spanish. Here's why:
The verb Gustar for example, is typically translated as to like. In fact, for English speakers, it might be easier to think of it as meaning to please. So if you wanted to translate into Spanish, "I like coffee," you would instead think of it as "coffee pleases me," or a mí, me gusta el café. In this example, the subject of the sentence in Spanish is actually the coffee, and you are the object.
For this reason, we've chosen to present Gustar and other verbs like it in the 3rd person, as they're most often used.
Doler Conjugation: 3rd Person, Preterite Tense
A mí, me | dolió |
A ti, te | dolió |
A él/ella, le | dolió |
A nosotros/as, nos | dolió |
A vosotros/as, os | dolió |
A ellos/ellas, les | dolió |
*Irregular forms in bold.
Doler Participio
The participio of Doler is dolido. The present perfect tense is formed by combining the auxiliary verb haber with the participio.
Doler Imperfect Root
The imperfect root of Doler in the 3rd person is dolía(n). The imperfect tense is rarely irregular and can be easily conjugated from this form, which is the yo, and él/ella conjugation.
Regular vs. Irregular Verbs
A verb is called a regular verb when its conjugation follows a typical pattern. A verb which does not follow these patterns exactly is called an irregular verb. In Spanish Preterite Tense, the 3 regular patterns are for verbs ending in ar, er, and ir.

Spanish Preterite Tense Conjugation Chart
Looking for more verbs like Doler? Check out our Spanish Preterite Tense Conjugation Chart, the 100 Most Used Spanish Preterite Tense Verbs Poster!